A week doesn't go by that I don't receive some sort of inquiry from someone asking me if I can help them get their health and fitness in order. The first thing I usually do with prospective clients is ask for a list of the medications they are taking. I am always astounded at how many different meds people take at one time. So many of them overlap and would normally be used for the same symptoms. Sometimes these people are on drugs that would or should only be used for a short duration. One guy showed me where he had been on prednisone for over 10 years (!) for his rheumatoid arthritis yet he was also taking a class of drugs called DMARDs which should have been mitigating his need for this powerful, useful, yet destructive steroid. I also find that almost no one ever questions their doctors about the "why" of taking so many medications.
Along with this long list of mediations to "treat" his depression, high blood pressure, diabetes and an assortment of other infirmities, he gave me a list of what he couldn't do in the gym.
We discussed several items and when i thought we were coming up with a plan, he informed me that he "loves his pizza too much" to give it up.
I heard a similar thing last week where a guy asked for help but made it clear he "wasn't going to give up his rib-eyes or smoked sausages".
My response, as it always is, is that I never tell anyone to "give up" anything and that by being healthy and fit along with eating right, the occasional consumption of some of these tasty items won't effect them at all. I follow that comment up with the fact that by laying out ground rules of what they "won't give up", they have already elected to "give up" something. Their health and well being.
" I like my _____ too much!" is one of the craziest things I hear.What? You like them more than getting out of bed feeling energized and with less aches and pains? More than having energy, a clear head and the knowledge that you are taking care of yourself? More than being comfortable in your clothes?
I like plenty of things in the food world that might not be that great for me, but by taking care of myself everywhere else in life, I get to do some things that I like too much. Hugging my grandchildren and being here for my family.
Are you really "giving up" something or are you gaining something? The
decision is yours.